By late last week, the six lead underwriters for the enormous offering announced that they would close the order books slightly earlier than scheduled, after having received a huge number of sizable orders. 上周末,这次规模庞大的IPO的六家主承销商宣布,在收到了大量规模可观的订单之后,将比原定时间稍早结束对股票的认购。
All the more reason to bill them and close the books. Invoices should be sent in triplicate, she adds. Send each invoice by snail mail, email, and with a phone message saying the invoice was sent. 她还补充道,发票要一式三份,分别通过邮寄信件、电子邮件和手机邮件(告知发票已寄送)形式发出。
Manufacturers say they will close only briefly or work through the holidays to meet bulging order books and long waiting periods for their most popular cars. 汽车制造商们表示,它们将只是短暂停工,甚至在假期内一直开工,以满足客户对其最受欢迎轿车的日益增多的订单,并缩短等候期。
The Close or Distant Relation from the Differences between Several Ming and Qing's Rhyme Books& to Different Types of Rhyme as an Example 明清几本闽语韵书的亲疏关系&以韵类的差异性为例
As we close the books on one year and begin another, I wanted to take a moment today to wish you a very Happy New Year and talk a little bit about the year that lies ahead. 在这一元复始、万象更新的时刻,我祝福大家新年快乐,还想花些时间谈一谈将要到来的这一年。
Before and after these four books, dramas that had close relationship with them annotated the stories among these books in a visualized way on the stage. 在四大名著成书前后,与之关系密切、互为渊源的戏剧,以其立体化、形象化的形式,在舞台上演绎和诠释四大名著中的故事。
There was special close relationship in the medicinal books, and enormous works came into being. 医书与医书之间存在一种特殊的亲缘关系,并形成庞大的书籍群,几乎每一种医书都与《内经》、《伤寒论》等有千丝万缕的联系。
Visible only to close and the perfect combination of the function and form together, love to make real are readers of the book. Visibly, books pattern language of art worthy of our deeply mining. 可见,只有将书籍形态的内在与外在紧密而完美地结合在一起,才能使书籍真正地受到读者的喜爱。书籍形态语言的艺术值得我们去深深挖掘。